yourself while adding the tulle.
I did the same with a little broom I found at Walmart.
On top, I just put her in a black sweater and and some purple beads. I also found black and purple striped tights at Kroger.
I love, love, love this costume. Don't you???
Variations: (just to name a few)
white tutu, wand & wings - tooth fairy
red tutu with black dots, wings, antennae - ladybug
tutu, antennae, wings - butterfly
Now, for those of you who entered my costume contest and feel dissed because I disregarded your suggestions and came up with my own . . . now you know first hand what it feels like to be St. John.
No, seriously . . . honorable mention to the other costumes that just weren't good enough for my little Maggie Moo.
Thanks Kristina P. - I don't know you but I'm so glad you started stalking my blog. I love stalking yours too. I almost pee pee in my pants sometimes but that is a good thing. You're hysterical girl! Check out Kristina's blog here, but make sure you're wearing your depends.
And to my sister Katie - you listening to me yammer on and on, obsessing over every detail of this costume earns you a mention as well. Check out Katie's blog here.
Now, just click below and leave me a comment. Tell me how much I remind you of Martha Stewart. The accolades stoke my fragile ego. C'mon sweet blog stalkers, come out of the closet.
This is SO cute. I'm glad you went with making it.
And thanks for the shout out. Your little girl is adorable!
This costume is adorable. You are a very talented.
You're little girl is precious.
This turned out great. Wherever did you get the idea? Amazing. I love the tulle strips and how pouffy they stick out when on her... It's sooooo cute! I think you are good at just about everything. :)
I love this costume it's right up my alley!!
Great Job!!
hi! i noticed you "stalked" livin life pation style's blog and i do too! so i clicked on yours from her comment thing! LOVE the costume you made! i'm finally having a girl in abou 10 days or so! i design and sell hair accessories, now i'll have my own little model for it! i can't wait to make some cute tutus too :) your little girl was the cutest witch ever and she should've won that contest! :) have a great day!
my blog is www.theturleybirds.blogspot.com
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