I've been keeping a list like this for some time now, only recently writing it down (in no particular order.) I've just made plans to cross off one more thing. See if you can guess what it is.
1. See an erupting volcano.
2. Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.
3. Cruise the Nile River and see the pyramids at Giza.
4. Visit the Palace of Versailles.
*5. Experience childbirth (ouch) . . . next time, perhaps, without the double chin

6. Ride in a hot air balloon.
7. See the Grand Canyon
8. Rock my grandchildren to sleep
*9. Hold a political office
10. Meet the guy of my dreams . . . thankfully after tube socks go out of style (my guy is on the right . . . hands off, ladies!)

11. Earn a Ph.D.
12. Cruise the Panama Canal
13. Visit the Galapagos Islands
*14. Marry my best friend

*15. Swim with stingrays

*16. Make out under a waterfall (you'll just have to take my word for it)

*17. Experience pregnancy

*18. Fall asleep to the sound of waves pounding the shore

19. See the Mayan Ruins
20. Be able to wear a pair of jeans in a size 6 . . . on BOTH my legs!
*21. Ride a dolphin just like they do at Sea-World
*22. Snorkel in the Caribbean
*24. Go scuba diving
(No photographic evidence . . . I somehow lost the underwater camera in between thinking I was drowning and my eardrums almost exploding.)
25. Visit "the world" in Dubai
26. See the Great Rift Valley and go on an African safari
*27. Earn Master's degree
*28. Complete the police academy (the toughest 6 months of my life . . . I'd rather be pregnant with sextuplets than ever run 10 miles again.)
29. Go white water rafting
My guess is "snorkel the Great Barrier Reef." Right?
Loved the photo of John at the computer camp. I don't think I've seen that one before. :)
Love, Ruth
I might just steal this idea - I love it! You have done some very cool stuff... **feeling a little jealous**
And the snorkeling picture...hilarious! ;)
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