Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Day at the Science Museum

This past Saturday, John and I took Megan to COSI. My sister Katie and her son Colin joined us. Megan and Colin enjoyed playing on the Bob the Builder exhibit and in the special discovery zone for kids. Megan even rescued a turtle! Seriously. We were observing a turtle climbing on a log when he fell off and rolled upside down. When he was struggling and couldn't roll over, Megan began squeeking and pointing. An employee came over and helped the turtle. Who knows how long that poor turtle would have been upside down if it hadn't been for our little heroine. ha, ha After the rescue, we got ambitious and took her to the exhibit on Mendelian Genetics. We tried to teach her about DNA and nucleotides but she wasn't interested at all!

Here Megan is learning about a vortex and the elliptical shape a penny makes as it moves toward the center. Actually, she is just watching as daddy throws away all his change.

Megan and the little turtle she saved!

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