Last week I took Megan to her very last day of preschool.
She didn't spend a single moment in the "thinking chair" but did tell us some stories *with eyes wide* about some other kids that were not as successful in avoiding the dreaded chair. She's a little rule follower and I love that about her.
I really can't believe she is going to Kindergarten next year.
I'm getting a lump in my throat just typing that.
While these characters were busy trying to stay out of the thinking chair, their mommies and I were hanging out every Monday at the coffee shop. This is the same coffee shop where Brendan discovered his hand was small enough to stick inside the candy machine. He kept coming to me with handfuls of chocolate covered raisins, which I assumed were divinely sent. Then I realized it was larceny . . . but I digress.
So long preschool. So long thinking chair. So long coffee shop. So long chocolate covered raisins. Sniff, sniff.
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