Holy moly, it is a boy. A boy! I'm having a boy.
I'm gonna withhold the "money shot" in an effort to preserve his dignity.

The ultrasound tech said he is very big and actually thinks I'm due a week sooner. That would make me 19 weeks preggo instead of 18. Heck, a week less of being pregnant in August. I'll take it!!
He has 10 fingers and 10 toes, and everything looks perfectly formed (some things are bigger than others, if you catch my drift.) 100% boy, that's what she said, no doubt about it! John is so proud.
Megan refuses to accept this latest development and continues to call him "Caroline."
A boy named Caroline. Hmmmmm . . . that's not gonna work.
I am in serious need of boy names. Names we like so far:
Brendan, Noah, Nicholas
John hates "soap opera" names and I hate boring, plain sounding names.
Wanna help?
get rid of Nicholas. I'm not going to have any darn names left. I'm not too proud - I will name my baby whatever I want even if you already used the name... watch me.
I'll save all of Colin's John Deere shirts, dump trucks, monster trucks and diggers for you....
YEAH!! Congratulations!! I have been waiting and waiting for this post!! Boy's are so much fun and SO much different than girls. Watch out for the "squirt gun"--it tends to go off when you take the diaper off--you know the cold air hitting it al all.
Congrats! Now you'll have a boy and a girl, lucky you!
I like the name Nicholas! It's got more kick to it than other names but it's not so strange that people will turn and stare when you yell his name.
Hope everything is looking optimistic. Good luck on the job hunting for John!
Yay!! How fun! I've always wanted boys.
Congrats! Boys are so much fun....seriously!
Congrats!! I like Nicholas too. What are soap opera names??
Im no help with boy names since I never even picked one out when I was pregnant with my daughter.
Congrats. I now have one of each after having my girl 4 months ago. It's already tons of fun.
AHHHHH! I'm so thrilled for you! With two boys, I can tell you they rock, but alas.. I have nothing to compare them to!
I like Oliver, but that's only because it's my maiden name.
BTW - I thought about your blog this weekend when I received my first nasty comment. Too bad it was from a total b**ch that actually KNOWS me and not an anonymous person trolling around...
This comment is far too long for me to not know you.
I'm so happy for you; congratulations!!!! What an exciting time!
Congrats...ha ha...now you're in for it! Boys ARE so much different that girls. I like Noah Ryan or Aidan Noah. Good strong boy names.
Oh my goodness what a blessing...Congratulations!! Oh fun I've always liked the names Dylan and Luke. God Bless!
I love Peyton, Evan , Owen, and Isaiah :-).
Congrats!! Get ready...it's a whole new ballgame with a boy!
I've always liked Dalton and Carter but couldn't convince Chris that they were cool names! So we have Ryan. :)
I always thought my son would be named Miles but as soon as I met and married my husband, I knew that name would never work. Miles High...who would do that to a child? That's a true story too! LOL
Good Luck with the rest of the pregnancy. There is something about a mother and son relationship, you will love having a son! Until he turns 3... ;)
YAY! So happy that you didn't have to wait to find out. Congrats on the baby boy! I like the name Noah.
Congrats! Here are my names! Gavin, Max, Pierce, and Oliver!
Congratulations on having a boy! How exciting! (I have two; I hope next time I can have a girl.)
Jack Keller sounds nice!
Hi Sissy! I like all of those names, it is SO exciting to have a child, and your boy will be so loved!!! I always liked William, Richard, Kevin, Keith, also Jason, Justin, Robert. Eric is a fave too. You will find a great name. Try not to spoil him, okay!!!? :)
Love Laura
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