I think I might be even more excited this time around. (if that is even possible) I've been through this once before . . . I know the explosion of joy that will fill my heart when I see my baby for the first time. I know all about the long nights we'll spend together in the rocking chair, the intoxicating smell of newborn baby breath . . . the way my heart will skip a beat the first time I see him/her smile. Before Megan, I had no concept of this devotion, no idea my heart could hold such enormous love.
Pregnancy apparently makes me sappy.
It also makes me ridiculously curious. I feel the insatiable urge to know the baby's sex. I'm actually not sure if the baby's sex has even developed yet . . . but that's neither here nor there.
What should I do?????? Consult the magic 8 ball? The Chinese Lunar calendar? Wait for the ultrasound? (impossible)
I actually found the perfect solution. This website offers DNA testing to tell you the sex of your baby as early as 7 weeks!!!!!! Yep, you prick your finger, put the blood on the card and mail it to them . . . all for only $194. A true bargain!
Then I could start shopping for cute little hats to put on her head . . .

Or cute hats to put on his head . . .

Do they make cute hats for boys? If so , where can I find them?
I am critically unprepared to dress a boy.
See why I need to know the answer to this question immediately?????????
When I asked my sister if I should do the DNA testing lab, she replied . . .
"We're in the middle of a recession and you're seriously asking me this question?"
I guess she's not in favor of the idea for some strange reason.
John just put his head in his hands and had no reply whatsoever.
Hmmmmm . . . I think that means he's leaving it up to me.
What do you think??? Should I do it???
Too funny! I have no idea when you can even tell these things normally.
Oh, and is it my turn to chastise you for being MIA? What, are you pregnant or something? ;)
wait til the doc tells you. It's not that long. I'm sure once the real pregnancy hormones kick in, you'll be too tired and sick to care anymore.
And again... recession. nuf said. prick your finger, mail it to me and I'll start knitting you a yellow hat.
hugs - your hOTT sista
LOVE the hats by the way...
My two cents....WAIT! Gotta say I am with your sista on this one. Just enjoy being pregnant and the wait will just make it all that much better.
Congratulations! How accurate are those "baby sex indicator" thingys? I say wait but knowing me, I'll buy one when the time comes.
You can tell at 16 weeks. Do you have Fetal Photos around your area? They charge about $100 for an ultra sound but they make you a video to music and you get pictures.
I know how hard it is to wait but I would wait for ultra-sound. Just sayin....
We have a place called Ultrasona where they do the video/4-D ultrasound. We paid for it when I was pregnant with Megan . . . it is where we found out she was a girl.
Problem: Waiting until 16 weeks . . . that is so far away and I need to purchase hats NOW
Cute boy hats? Haven't you heard of Etsy?? Ok, no huge pink flowers or anything, but still c-u-t-e.
I am so thrilled for you! I'm almost ready to make a baby boy.
Speaking of Etsy, I just bought myself the flirty housewife everyday apron (it's from Mike to me but he doesn't know it yet).
Oh- and wait for the ultrasound! Maybe you'll get LUCKY and be so sick you won't care about the gender until week 16. I didn't even care about my own oral hygiene for about 9 weeks.
Like you care about my opinion, but I say, "no way" don't do it..... is it really accurate? you can buy a lot of cute hats for $194. Or, buy hats now for boy and girl, and you'll have awesome presents to give when you find out you won't need one-or-the-other. And, let's see if you have enough self control to wait the long 16 weeks.... AND, I have found out twice at 14 weeks, so it might be possible to shave those 2 weeks off.....
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