Every day when I drop Megan off at school,
Brendan cries because he want to go to school too.
Imagine my delight when I came across a little class for
kids age 2-5 at the ecological center called
"Small Farmers."
He was so excited!!!
(Although any opportunity to wear his rubber Elmo boots
equals a fantastic day in his book.)
"Momma, take a picture of me!"
The first thing he did was flash a cheesy grin with the baby chicks!
Then we moved on to the chickens.

Not pictured: copious amounts of hand sanitizer; multiple applications :)
but he wasn't quite gentle enough.
He was chasing them around yelling
"Here chicken!"
but they just ran away!
sheep named Francisco.
Then we dug a little hole
and planted a potato!
We'll check on our potato at the
next class and eventually harvest
it in the fall. How cool is that?
greens from the greenhouse.
Notice the empty basket :(
Brendan was so hungry he ate everything
before it could end up in the basket.
Romaine Lettuce
and we all made a salad.