Brendan! *oh my gosh* That wasn't sentimental or anything, was it?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bull in a China Shop
Brendan! *oh my gosh* That wasn't sentimental or anything, was it?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Santa Trauma

Monday, December 20, 2010

See how much I need your votes.
And now, some other cakes I've made recently.
We cut him up into little pieces and ate him.
And he was good!
That's all for today, folks.
Tune back tomorrow when I share some pictures of my children screaming on Santa's lap.
Good times.
Good times.
Now go vote for me please!
That frog cake must go down!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Will You Do Me a Favor?
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My Favorite Four Letter Word
Mine is F-R-E-E . . . FREE

I love how simple and elegant this one is.
I love how this one has multiple photos (for those of you out there who are actually able to get more than one photo of your children without funny faces, mutual nose picking, etc.). The colors in this one are striking as well. (And p.s. - I'm secretly jealous of you non-funny-faces-non-mutual-nose-picking photo obtainers.)
And how cool is this one? It is kinda like a Christmas newsletter but I guarantee your friends won't roll their eyes when they open it up. You could include things like #10 - Both the kids made the honor roll at their exclusive, private school and #9 - The baby now speaks four languages, blah, blah blah. But let's keep it real folks. If you are like me, your top ten could possibly include #10- Finally finding the kids at Walmart after they were hopelessly lost for a half-an-hour. The options are endless.
If you want to buy one of these beautiful cards for yourself, simply click here.
Did you know Shutterfly also sells desk calendars where you can upload all of your non-mutual-nose-picking photos? Everyone needs a calendar. What a great gift idea! Click here for more info on these calendars.
And for those of you planning on having a baby in 2011 . . . Shutterfly also sells beautiful birth announcements. Click here for more info on these.
So now you've learned two things about me that you may not have known before. One, I have a hard time getting a picture of my two kids without mutual nose picking going on (eww, I hope you're not eating) and two, I'm not above shameless promotion for free stuff. Not above it one bit!
Now quit reading my blog and go check out
Can I have my free stuff now?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
And Now You Know Why
The same weekend (which happened to be the weekend after Thanksgiving), I had to make this little cake for my niece Austyn. She wanted a gymnastics cake that was pink and purple. I don't think she asked for the thumb print on the front border but I threw that in for her at no extra charge.
Now, if you drive by my house (which you shouldn't be doing unless you are my neighbor or a creepy stalker) you will still find a wooden turkey on my front porch, my beautiful fall wreath still perched on my front door, and my mums collecting a dusting of snow in their urns. I think I'm the only one in the neighborhood not yet decorated for Christmas . . . .
and now you know why.