Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tales from the Man Cave

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Snow Days
In preparation for the big Valentine party at school, Megan signed her little name on each Dora valentine for her classmates. She was so excited for the party . . . she almost couldn't sleep just thinking about the cookies and the treats . . . and then the snow came . . . and came . . . and came . . . and preschool was cancelled. Cancelled? You can't cancel school on the day of the preschool Valentine party. You just can't!

Step Two - Short break to marvel at Brendan's new tricks. Wow!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Just Another Day in Paradise
I was so excited for our big plans this weekend. Valentine's Day! Big date! Just you and me!
Yeah, then Brendan got sick and threw up in my ear. The pink tulips you bought made me forget all about that. You are so sweet. Now I'm sick too, sipping Nyquil instead of red wine. I think Megan has a case of the nose dribbles as well. I guess the money we set aside to finally have a date will be spent on doctor co-pays and Childen's Tylenol.
This all reminds me of that song by Phil Vasser. You know the song, right? Here it is. Totally reminds me of "us" lately.
The kids screaming, phone ringing
Dog barking at the mailman bringing
That stack of bills - overdue
Good morning baby, how are you?
Got a half hour, quick shower
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
My funny face makes you laugh
Twist the top on and I put it back
There goes the washing machine
Baby, don't kick it. I promise I'll fix it
Long about a million other things
Well, it's ok. It's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place thatI'd rather be
Well, it's two heartsAnd one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise
Friday, you're late
Guess we'll never make our dinner date
At the restaurant you start to cry
Baby, we'll just improvise
Well, plan B looks likeDominoes' pizza in the candle light
Then we'll tippy toe to our room
Make a little love that's overdue
But somebody had a bad dream
Mama and daddy
Can me and my teddy
Come in to sleep in between?
Yeah it's ok. It's so nice.
It's just another day in paradise.
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise
Well, it's ok. It's so nice.
It's just another day in paradise.
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise
For just another day in paradise
Well, it's the kids screaming.
The phone ringing
Just another day
Well, it's Friday.
You're late
Oh yeah, it's just another day in paradise
Happy Valentine's Day! I love you! Gotta go . . . I think I hear a kid screaming, the phone ringing, the dog barking at the mailman bringing that stack of bills . . .
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Weight Watcher Wednesday - Killer Cardio and Chicken Marsala

I don't even watch the Biggest Loser.
I tuned it for a show or two and got so turned off with how mean Jillian was to those poor people that I stopped watching. Her brand of motivation just seemed like humiliation and exploitation to me. But anyway, I bought this tape because there were not a whole lot of other options at the store. Boy was I surprised!
Seriously, I'm no wimp. I made it through the police academy and used to be able to do 105 push ups. And I stress "used to be able."
This workout was HARD CORE.
The tape is six week progression, with weeks 1-2 consisting of 5 minutes of warm up, 20 minutes of cardio, and 5 minutes of cool down. In later weeks, more cardio is added in 10 minute increments.
I did the first workout and was completely amazed. In 20 minutes, this tape accomplished more than 60+ minutes of step aerobics. I could feel it the next day in places I didn't even know I had. This tape even works you harder than Turbo Jam and step aerobics combined. Whoa.
Hard, but in a good way. Hard in a I-feel-amazing-when-I'm-done kind of way. Hard, like in-a-few-weeks-you're-gonna-be-able-to-bounce-a-quarter-off-my-butt kind of way.
You know, like Kim Kardashian's butt.

She's my butt idol. Do you have a butt idol? If not, you should get one. Butt idols are fun.
But anyway, back to the workout tape.
It is only 30 minutes. C'mon, if you've been through childbirth, you can certainly make it through 30 minutes of this. Give it a try. You won't be sorry, I promise you that.
Now, how about for a delicious recipe???
Chicken Marsala
Calories 224, Fat 4.2 g, Fiber 0.9 g

4 5-ounce skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp oregano
black pepper
1 tbsp olive oil
2 cups sliced cremini mushrooms
2 tbsp chopped parsley
3/4 cup marsala wine
Pound chicken breasts to a 1/4 inch thickness between two sheets of plastic wrap. Combine flour, oregano, and black pepper on a plate or in a bowl. Dredge chicken breasts and set aside. Heat oil on medium heat in a large skillet. Saute mushrooms until softened, about 6-8 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside.
In the same skillet, cook chicken breasts for 6 minutes, turning once half way through. Remove and keep warm. Return mushrooms to skillet, add parsley and marsala wine. Reduce liquid by about half. Return chicken to skillet and cook for 1-2 minutes more.
Serve with seasonal vegetables and a whole lotta rump shakin'.
For your dancing pleasure today, it is an oldie but a goodie.
C'mon now, let me see your tootsie roll.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Holy Shiz

Being a mom is funny.
The answer my friends is . . .