It all began when Megan's little friend Anna got her ears pierced.
Instantly, having unpierced ears was totally "uncool." (in the world according to Megan)
Hmmmmmm . . . what is the proper parental decision???????
Option 1 - Ask her if Anna Cox jumped off the Brooklyn bridge, would she?????
Nah. Megan's never been to Brooklyn and wouldn't know what I was taking about.
Option 2 - Try to scare her out of the idea by telling her how badly it will hurt.
Great idea!
Too bad it was unsuccessful.
I guess my three-year-old would rather be in pain than "uncool."
I really didn't expect peer pressure to be this intense at three!
I really hope Anna Cox doesn't get a tattoo next. Then we'll really be in trouble.
Option 3 - Just cave in (after days of begging) and agree to take her.
O.K. Sounds like a plan.
(I hope you're not reading this blog for parenting advice.)
So, we were off to the mall . . .
Aunt Katie and Nana to joined us for moral support.
She was so excited! She hopped right up in the chair and was beaming from ear to ear.
My heart was breaking because I knew she had no idea what was coming, despite my dire warnings of pain and gore.
One last photo of her naked ears.
Providing comfort
She only cried for about a minute until she looked in the mirror and saw her adorable pink crystal flower earrings. (I think I cried longer than she did.)
Lesson I could have learned about three-year-old peer pressure . . .
Step up and be the parent. Make a decision and stick to it. Say no. Teach your children how to avoid the temptations of peer pressure and live their own lives.
Like I said, I hope you haven't turned to me for parenting advice.
If I were being graded, here's how it would go . . .
Teaching lessons about resisting peer pressure - F
Looking totally adorable in pink crystal flower earrings - A++