the Fisher Price Happy Family Grand Dollhouse.
(John and I nicknamed it the "Poor House" because that's where you are after you buy it.)
I was the first one up in the house . . . begging John to get up! (unusual)
I was so excited I couldn't sleep.
I was the first one up in the house . . . begging John to get up! (unusual)
I was so excited I couldn't sleep.
Now on to the festivities . . .
How funny . . . two people brought the same ornament.
Attention all car thieves:
The seat warmer is still on, the CD player is full of rockin' dance tunes (and a little Elmo), and the engine is still running.
Wanna steal me?
(And John, this story is a figment of my overactive imagination, invented as fodder for my blog. You didn't think I was this seriously reckless with our vehicle, did you???? :)
Mom and Dad Keller
Seriously, Burger King has it ALL wrong.
If they are trying to turn me on with a scent, they should create one called Freshly Cleaned Toilet. They should show the King character bent over the bowl, scrubbing off his own soiling. He could even be wearing animal fur . . . I don't honestly care . . . as long as the toilet gets cleaned and I DON'T HAVE TO DO IT.
Yeah, now we're talkin . . .
Or cute hats to put on his head . . .
Do they make cute hats for boys? If so , where can I find them?
I am critically unprepared to dress a boy.
See why I need to know the answer to this question immediately?????????
When I asked my sister if I should do the DNA testing lab, she replied . . .
"We're in the middle of a recession and you're seriously asking me this question?"
I guess she's not in favor of the idea for some strange reason.
John just put his head in his hands and had no reply whatsoever.
Hmmmmm . . . I think that means he's leaving it up to me.
What do you think??? Should I do it???
5. At Thanksgiving dinner with my family, I laughed so hard cauliflower came out my nose. I'm not kidding. It hurt.
6. Some people, like Beyonce, have alter egos named Sasha Fierce. Sasha comes out when Beyonce is feeling all sexy and vixen-like. I have an alter ego too. Her name is Spendy Wendy, and she rears her ugly head every time I step into a Target.
I tag Livin' Life Patino Style, The Mulders, Life as a Mom at 21, James*Ashley*Bella , Mayhem in the Midwest, Jillene