Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It has been one year today . . .

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Viva Mexico - Part Tres
I hope you're not tired of hearing every detail of our vacation yet. I'm not even halfway done!
So . . .
the day began EARLY. We boarded a tour bus and attempted to remain calm! It was the day of mucho anticipation . . . the autumnal equinox . . . and we were headed to Chichen Itza.
It was a very long ride through dense jungle. We left the Mexican state of Quintana Roo and entered the state of Yucatan. We were slightly alarmed to see the Mexican military along the sides of the road wearing machine guns. Apparently, the drug violence in that particular part of the nation is quite severe. Gulp! (My research hadn't indicated this problem.)
We stopped at a BUFFET restaurant that had the best paprika pork I have ever had. (Actually, the only paprika pork I've ever had. And I am not even a huge fan of pork. We were told it was a regional specialty and it was de-lish!)
The restaurant had Mexican dancers who, of course, wanted a tip when they were done.

It was raining on and off during the bus ride (which was nearly 3 hours long.)
We arrived at the Cenote Segrado . . . (and it stopped raining!)
(Sacred Cenote)

Just in case you don't know, cenotes are common in the Yucatan region of Mexico. They are sinkholes where ground water is exposed. The Yucatan doesn't have any above ground rivers - only underground. Interesting, huh?
He said the water was really COLD.
My big regret of the trip - I didn't swim in the cenote. I was so anxious to actually get to Chichen Itza that my 'one-track mind' was irritated we were making this stop. By the time I saw how gorgeous it was, it was too late to change into my swim suit.
Are you ready for your history lesson today? I'll try to keep it short.
This place is called the Cenote Segrado (Sacred Cenote) because the ancient Mayans used it for human sacrifice. In 1904, Edward Herbert Thompson dredged the bottom of this cenote and found human skeletons (some children - that makes me sad) and sacrificial objects. The Mayans made sacrifices here to the god of water, Chaak.
FINALLY, we arrived at Chichen Itza. I followed around our tour guide like a puppy, thirsty for every drop of information he was giving, always moving to the front so I didn't miss a word.
The Mayans were great sportsmen and built huge ballcourts to play their games.
. . . and you thought Ohio State football players were talented
Many archeologists believe the captain of the WINNING team would present his head to the losing team's captain. To the Mayans, this was a "sacred death" and considered an honor.
Other "sacred deaths" included dying while giving birth to your first child (I only thought I was dying - doesn't count,) and hanging oneself. (no thanks)
A carving of the beheading process.
AM I BORING YOU?? I hope not. Don't you think it is fascinating???
See the ballcourt off to the left?

And now for the main event:

The energy in the air was absolutely electric.
There were several points during the day when I stopped just to take it all in - this was one of them. It was one of several moments I got tears in my eyes and honestly thanked God for the privilege to see such a place.
Did the equinox effect happen? Click below to find out.
(Aren't you glad I discovered this feature on my camera? Do you want me to shut up now?)
I wasn't too disappointed. The equinox happens twice every year . . . just another reason to go back someday. ha!
In all honesty, it was so HOT and steamy there. If it had been sunny it would have been borderline unbearable. The clouds were a blessing in disguise.
To see what should have happened during the equinox, click here
I'll shut up now.
Viva Mexico
Sorry about your luck.
Day #1 -
We had to get up at the crack of dawn and board our flight from Columbus to Cancun.

Instant party animal - just add cervesa!

Our self-portrait at dinner
Viva Mexico - Part Dos
On our balcony

Didn't you ever hear that Mexico is all about bribery?
We were in critical need of supplies in the wet bar of our room!
John laughed when he saw this note and called it my "SPANGLISH." ha, ha
Funny, that was the biggest, strongest pina colada I was served all week. Oh well. Later that day, we swam and just enjoyed ourselves.

I have a weird tradition of posing with the towel animals on our bed.

And just to spice up this boring account of every detail of our vacation (if you're even still reading this,) here is a video I took with the camera at dinner. I didn't even know the camera had this feature. Lucky you!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm Back!!!
It is Lisa again . . . back from our adventures in the Yucatan. We had an amazing time . . . the resort was stunning, the water was the most perfect shade of turquoise, and we are tanned (me, not so much) and RELAXED.
I'll post more pics soon. Just a teaser for you . . .
Dear John and Lisa,
Some things you missed this week:
* Your brother and mine cut his knee with a chain saw (not off, but enough for stitches). It wasn't pretty. I have cell phone pictures if you'd like to see :) He tried to waive the pain medicine in the ER but they insisted. Anyway, he is just fine and back to his old self.
* I gained 5lbs. I only did Turbo Jam twice. I need my exercising buddy back...
* Mrs. Keller called me on Thursday and my heart sank when your number came up on my cell phone. My heart was racing. Thankfully, it was a car seat problem and Justin went over and fixed it. He did give me minute by minute Megan updates for the 3 minutes he was there and she seemed fine.. darn. I was hoping she was screaming for me.... she wasn't.
* Ma and Pa closed on the cabin. I've name it "chateau le Kate" - I'm not sure if that is correct french - I took Spanish. Casa de Kate is catchy too - feel free to use either one.
* It was a pretty boring week.
SO I hope you come home in one piece and full of energy. Turbo Jam starts up again tomorrow. No time like the present.
Really, I can't wait to see all the pictures. Thanks for letting me take over your blog for the week. I missed you both and little Megan. I'll see you at Church in the morning - but at the end. I wouldn't mind if Colin actually stayed quiet and if he sees Megan, it's all over. I am thinking we might all need some CB for breakfast, you in???
Welcome home.
Friday, September 26, 2008
So a few months ago, Lisa and I drove a LONG way to meet two of the GREATEST cousins anyone could ever ask for. Sara and Mary live in Texas and we only see them once a year on our annual girl's trip. It's amazing how close I feel to them living this far away, but they make it so easy. We really have so much fun. I can hear Sara's laugh and Mary's giggle right now :)
I think Lisa has more pictures so she'll have to update this post. I just realized that all of my pictures were taken the first night at dinner.. Sorry :).

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Guest Blogger

Friday, September 19, 2008
We're Off to the Mayan Riviera

I'm going to miss Megan so badly I get tears in my eyes every time I think about not seeing her for a week. Every morning her beautiful brown eyes are the first thing I see when I open my eyes. She stands next to my bed and says, "Mommy, the sun came up! Wake up mommy. I want "breakist." Wanna make "panpakes?" Since I'm not a morning person, John usually goes off to work before I am even awake and sweet Megan is my wake up call.
For the next week, John's beautiful brown eyes will be the first thing I see every morning. While I really hate to leave Megan, I realize having a full week to devote only to each other is great for our marriage and subsequently good for Megan. It reminds me of the advice flight attendants give - "Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting anyone else." This week TOGETHER is our oxygen mask - taking care of "us" first. We see it as an investment in our marriage rather than just a vacation. Reminding myself of that will help me pry myself away from my sleeping baby tomorrow morning and say good bye for a week.
Mom and Dad K. are here to hold down the fort. I told Mom K. she would get bonus points if Megan was fully potty trained when I return. ha, ha
I'll post some pics when we return. I'll miss all of you . . . and if you see my brown-eyed girl, give her a big hug from me.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Summer Moments
May 31, 2008 - Buckeye the friendly donkey

June 8, 2008 - Saying goodbye to "Fly Guy the Butterfly" on the patio
June 14, 2008 - Happy Second Birthday sweet girl

June 15, 2008 - Enjoying ice cream in pajamas at Rocky's - Happy Father's Day!

June 28, 2008 - Say goodbye to the recalled crib, say hello to countless sleepless nights

July 13, 2008 - Megan can swim all by herself (sort of)

August 1, 2008 - Fun at the public pool

September 4, 2008- Eating watermelon from our garden

September 7, 2008 - Where is my mother? My daddy, bless his heart, dressed me today and took this picture.

September 16, 2008 - Still afraid of the carousel at the zoo, even with mommy riding with me
Bye, bye summer!