Thursday, July 31, 2008
Are You Blog-stalking Me????
I added the counter at the bottom and can't believe my eyes. Almost 700 hits?
Anyway, I was just wondering if there are any blog-stalkers out there.
Definition of a blog-stalker - you don't know me, you just read my blog while you are procrastinating and should be doing something productive
Don't be shy . . . I do it. A lot of my friends do it too. It is ok. Don't feel ashamed.
Soooo......please, please......if you are reading this, leave me a comment and tell me about yourself. Hey, I might want to check out your blog too.
I also added a little side note of my favorite people to blogstalk. Warning - It can be a very addicting activity.
First Trip to the Dentist

I didn't want my own fear of the dentist to rub off on Megan. Guess what . . . she's not a big fan either. ha, ha
I took her to the "pediatric dentist" which seemed to help. They had all her favorites . . . Elmo, stickers, and balloons.
The dentist counted her teeth . . . 16. That means we are due for 4 molars. Can't wait for that! Should be loads of fun.
No cavities! Hooray, especially since I'm pretty sure the sedating gas isn't available for the mommies and I'm certain I would need it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Coldwater Lake

This is the lakehouse where my friends and I go scrapbooking in the winter. It is on a little island called Iyopawa on Coldwater Lake, Michigan. It makes an even better summer get-a-way!
Andrea, Kasey, and I packed up the kids for a lake adventure.

Megan's very first boat ride. I was a nervous wreck but she really enjoyed it.

Cooper fell in love with Megan and wouldn't stop kissing her. She now has the cold that he had at the lake. I told her, "See, that's what you get for kissing boys."

The three kiddos eating breakfast in the morning. They all kept complaining that one was closer than another so we had to push all their chairs together until they were touching.
Megan, thrilled with the seaweed she found at the sandbar.

On the way home from the lake, Cooper was a little tired (understatement of the century) in the car. He was crying and whining for a LONG TIME and Megan finally took her pacifier out of her mouth and handed it to him. ha!
City Councilwoman by night, stay-at-home momma by day
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!
The Sunday after my birthday, my mom had a little celebration at her house for my brother and I. (Ever since we have been little, we've shared our birthday parties since his birthday falls on July 17 and mine on the 10th. He hates sharing his party with me . . . check out the look on his face.) Just kidding - he smiled for the next picture that was taken, I just didn't like how I looked in it. Sorry Spike!
We swam in my parents' pool and had a great time. Megan can swim by herself this year, with the help of floaties on her arms. She zips around the pool like a little fish.
I was so excited to get a sewing machine from my parents for my birthday! The other day my mom laughed at me when she saw, "Learn to sew" on my list of things to do. I just didn't want to forget! I guess that is a funny thing to put on a to-do list, as if I could cross that off just like I cross off "buy stamps." ha, ha
I try to keep the date of my actual birthday a little low key because my beloved Papa died on my birthday. It is tough to mention my birthday without remembering what a huge part of it he used to be. When I was little, I had huge birthday parties with all the neighborhood kids in my backyard. Since it was so close to the 4th of July, my Papa would put on a huge fireworks show in the backyard. (He smuggled the "good" fireworks in just for me from Canada. shhhh) He always made me feel so special and loved. The night before he died, I knew he was suffering and whispered in his ear that he could go. I told him how much he meant to me and how much I respected the kind of man he was. I told him my fiance John reminded me a lot of him. I told him we would all be ok and he could go if he needed to. To this day, I am so glad I had the chance to tell him those things. John and I also tracked down his priest for Last Rites and I know that meant a lot to him. If he had known it was my birthday, he would not have died that day . . . I just know it. That was my Papa. I miss him so much!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fourth of July
This year, we celebrated by having my family over. It was surprisingly cool but we enjoyed ourselves anyway.

My sister Katie and her husband Justin.
The crew, walking to the fireworks. (I dragged everyone to the very front so we would have a good spot. Notice the happy faces.) Megan tried to open up her chair right there on the sidewalk.
Here we are in the perfect "firework viewing" location. This was Megan's first year to see them and I wanted a great seat.

John and I, enjoying the moment.

John and Megan, looking up at the fireworks. Megan was a little afraid but hasn't stopped talking about them since. She keeps saying, "Fireworks! Wow! Loud!"