Sunday, June 29, 2008
Stupid Recall

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Fairy Princess Tea Party

To celebrate the special day, we reserved the Fairy Princess Room at the Whitaker House in Powell. (The Fairy Princess Room is located in a gorgeous old Victorian mansion. It has dress-up clothes, including fairy wings and magic wands, for little girls.) We invited my friend Andrea and her daughter Anna to join us for some girly fun.
We sipped tea and enjoyed a fancy lunch in our enchanted surroundings. The girls loved dressing up. While sitting at the table, the two girls looked at each other and started giggling. They took turns laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing. It was heartwarming to see them so happy.

The Pony Party

After the pony rides we watched a slide show of Megan's second year, had a barbecue, and cake. (yes, I was able to cut the infamous cake) It was a beautiful day! It was so nice to be surrounded by people we love to celebrate!
(John thought the pony was a little much for a two year old's birthday party. Hasn't he figured out by now that I am the queen of "a little much?" ha! He said to me, "If this is what we are doing this year when she is only two, how in the world will we top it next year?" I mischievously replied, "Do you think a ferris wheel will fit in the backyard?" He only thinks I was kidding. ha, ha

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The 100 Hour, $500 Cake
I really struggled with the theme for the party. While I would have hoped for a completely girly theme with princesses and lots of pink, my little girl has a thing for Elmo. Trust me, I tried to talk her out of it. We watched the Little Mermaid several times. I showed her Strawberry Shortcake and dreamed of a pink and green cake, adorned with polka dots and juicy berries. My efforts were fruitless . . . Megan remained steadfastly loyal to her little red friend. Yikes! How was I going to make an ugly little monster look cute? This was the best I could do with what I had to work with. I'm pretty pleased with the result. Getting there was another story altogether.
It all started 100 hours and 500 dollars ago . . .
The first step was baking the cakes. I was so rushed that I didn't properly grease my pans and disaster resulted.

At about 2 am, I began drinking. So glad John took this picture because it just captures the whole experience . . . the kitchen a mess, my clothes a mess, ME a mess. Bottoms up! (I rarely drink but this seemed as good a time as any.) I think I'll leave this one out of the scrapbook though.
Actually, this is the kind of stress I thrive upon. I'm not good at relaxing and I get restless very easily. I used to ride around in a police car "fighting crime and suppressing evil" for my adrenaline fix. Now I'm making Sesame Street cakes with homemade fondant (half drunk, no less!) Isn't it funny how much one little kid can change your life!?!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Fly-Guy!!!
Let me start from the beginning. Last weekend, John, Megan, and I went to buy just a few more plants for the backyard. There was a "butterfly lady" there giving lessons to the kids. Megan was enamoured by the little flying creatures! It turned into quite a learning experience. Awesome! I love learning experiences!
We observed them in a semi-natural environment.
And bought a chrysalis to take home with us! Megan and I checked it every day after breakfast. I started getting worried it wasn't going to "eclose" because it was taking a little longer than it should.
Today Megan and I went into the laundry room to check the chrysalis (you should hear her pronounce it....so cute) and WE HAD A BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY. Megan immediately yelled, "Yea!! You did it!" I asked Megan what we should name him. Her reply was "Fly." I added the "Guy" to the end of it. Happy Birthday Fly-Guy!
Then the comedy really began. I had to go to the store to get him some Gatorade. Since it was 96 degrees and I was feeling lazy, I drove across town to the drive-thru to avoid unbuckling the carseat only to have to buckle her back in a few minutes later. Ridiculous, I know but it was really, really HOT outside. Imagine my surprise when the drive-thru didn't accept my credit card! Can you believe I didn't even have $1.99 in my purse? I have everything else in there!
So........I ended up having to take Megan in with me to buy Fly-Guy some gatorade at a gas station. Megan tried to twist off the cap and drink it right there in the store. The sales clerk looked at me funny when I said, "No Megan. It is for the butterfly." ha, ha. When we got home, I opened up Fly-Guy's little enclosure and tried to give him the Gatorade. He flew right out and crashed into Megan's chest. She was so startled she screamed and started crying. (Nice! Now I have a toddler crying and a butterfly loose in my house.) Lucky for us, he couldn't fly very well and was on the kitchen floor. I ran upstairs to get a Q-Tip (since you shouldn't touch the butterfly). While upstairs, it dawned on me that the dog might try to eat Fly-Guy. I sprinted back downstairs with the Q-tip, wondering how in the world my friends could ever think the life of a stay at home mom is "boring." ha! I was able to calm Megan and rescue Fly-Guy before the dog ate him for lunch.
Tomorrow we will set Fly-Guy free. I hope he doesn't fly TOO far away. I've really grown quite attached to him.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Little Gym Graduation

The Zoo Has Rides!
Megan and I flying around on the elephants. The spinning made me a little motion sick! Hey, it moved a lot faster than it looked!
We only rode two rides because John was in a hurry to see the animals. Go to the zoo to see animals???? Why would you bother when you can ride a plastic elephant? ha, ha